Who can make complaints to the OEIG?
Complaints may be made to the OEIG by ANYONE e.g., residents of the State, employees of the State, and vendors. However, the complaint must relate to the conduct of an employee of the Treasurer or the actions of a person or entity doing business with the Office of the State Treasurer. Complaints referencing violations of the Ethics Act or other actions not related to the State Treasurer will be referred to the appropriate OEIG or other law enforcement agency.
Can complaints to the OEIG be made anonymously?
Yes, complaints can be made anonymously. The OEIG recommends that you provide as much detail as possible in making a complaint to assist the OEIG in determining if an investigation can be initiated.
How can I file a complaint with the OEIG?
Contact the OEIG at any of the following locations:
Ethics & Compliance Line: (833) 996-1651
Chicago Office: (312) 814-1698
Springfield Office: (217) 557-1972
E-Mail: oeig@illinoistreasurer.gov
Who will find out I filed a complaint with the OEIG?
The identity of the person making the complaint is confidential by law and cannot be revealed without your consent. Even at the conclusion of the investigation the OEIG does not reveal the identity of the complainant in making recommendations to the Treasurer.
What "Type Activities" are under the jurisdiction of the OEIG?
Some examples of allegations investigated by the OEIG are:

  • Waste
  • Fraud
  • Corruption
  • Ghost pay rolling
  • Bid rigging
  • Theft
  • Abuse of state property
  • Procurement fraud
  • Abuse of time
  • Employees performing political activities on state time
Are all complaints investigated?
The OEIG declines to investigate any allegation that has been fully adjudicated (administratively or in a court) or is pending before an administrative agency or pending in a civil or criminal court.
Are there any time restraints in filing a complaint?
By law, the OEIG cannot accept complaints alleging misconduct that are older than 1 year, absent attempts to conceal the existence of underlying facts.

Executive Inspector General

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