Whistle Blower Protections

If you are an employee of the Treasurer's Office and you...
  • Disclose or threaten to disclose to your supervisor or any public body an act or omission you believe to be a violation of law, regulation, or policy by another State employee.
  • Provide information to or testify before any public body conducting an investigation, hearing or inquiry into a violation of law, regulation or policy; or;
  • Assist or participate in a proceeding to enforce the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act.
Then the Treasurer's Office CAN NOT take retaliatory action against you such as...
  • Reprimand
  • Discharge
  • Suspension
  • Demotion
  • Denial of promotion
  • Denial of transfer
...that occurs in retaliation for the employee's exercise of the three protected activities described above.

Executive Inspector General

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