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The Illinois State Treasurer’s office will administer the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) program. test


ABLE provides persons with blindness or disabilities the option to invest in tax advantaged savings vehicles for disability-related expenses. Earnings on ABLE accounts will not be taxed for qualified expenses, and in most cases participation in ABLE will not impact eligibility for federal and state disability benefits.


The ABLE Act was signed into Federal law in December 2014.  Illinois quickly followed suit, adopting ABLE legislation in July 2015.  Treasurer Michael Frerichs has made ABLE a top priority for his office, and will establish an Illinois ABLE program as quickly as prudently possible.

The Treasurer’s office is in the process of implementing ABLE.


Check this webpage for updates on the implementation of Illinois ABLE.

For questions regarding ABLE please e-mail  or call the Treasurer’s Office at (312) 814-2677.

Frequently Asked Questions about ABLE

The State Treasurer Act ABLE Account Program

ABLE Fact Sheet

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